Hadjikyriacou, Antonis. Κερδίζοντας στη γη, χάνοντας στη θάλασσα [Winning at Land, Losing at Sea: Τhe First Turkish History of the Greek Revolution], Heraklion, Crete University Press (forthcoming 2023).
Articles and Book Chapters
Yaycıoğlu, Ali, Antonis Hadjikyriacou, Fatma Öncel, Erik Steiner, and Petros Kastrinakis. "Mapping Ottoman Epirus." Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association 9, no.2 (2023): (forthcoming).
Barakat, Nora Elizabeth, and Ali Yaycıoğlu. "Critical Approaches to Digital Ottoman Studies: Promises and Challenges." Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association 9, no. 2 (2023): (forthcoming)
Dialla, Ada, Antonis Hadjikyriacou, and Michalis Sotiropoulos, eds. Where was 1821? Space and Territory in the Greek Revolution. Special issue of Historein 21, no. 2 (forthcoming).
Yaycıoğlu, Ali. “Ottoman Montology: Hazardous Resourcefulness and Uneasy Symbiosis in a Mountain Empire,” in: Crafting History: Essays on the Ottoman World and Beyond in Honor of Cemal Kafadar, edited by Ali Yaycioglu, Ilham Khuri-Makdisi and Rachel Goshgarian (Brookline, MA: Academic Studies Press, 2023), pp. 345-374.
Sotiropoulos, Michalis, and Antonis Hadjikyriacou. "Geriye Adım Atarak Muharebeye Yürümek: 1821’in Siyasi Kavramları ve Devrimler Çağı" [Walking backwards into battle: The political concepts of 1821 and the Age of Revolutions]. In 1821 Yunan Devrimi. Yunan Tarihyazımında Yeni Yaklaşımlar [On the bicentennial of the Greek Revolution of March 1821: New perspectives from Greek Historiography], edited by K. Andrianopoulou and A. Vakali, 21–46. Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı, 2022.
Sotiropoulos, Michalis, and Antonis Hadjikyriacou. "Βαδίζοντας προς τη μάχη ανάποδα: οι πολιτικές αντιλήψεις του 1821 και η εποχή των επαναστάσεων" [Walking backwards into battle: The political concepts of 1821 and the age of revolutions]. Mnemon 38 (2021): 77-109.
Hadjikyriacou, Antonis. "Η ελληνική επανάσταση στην τουρκική ιστοριογραφία: Κεμαλισμός και οθωμανικό παρελθόν στην πρώιμη ρεπουμπλικανική ιστοριογραφία" [The Greek revolution in Turkish historiography: Kemalism and the Ottoman past during the early republican period], in Βαλκανικές αναγνώσεις του 1821 [Balkan Perceptions of the Greek Revolution], (ed.) Andreas Lyberatos, (Athens: Melissa, 2021), 213–280.
Hadjikyriacou, Antonis. "The late modern origins of early modern governance," in Chasing the Ottoman Early Modern, (eds) Virginia H. Aksan, Boğaç Ergene and Antonis Hadjikyriacou, special issue of Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association 7: 1 (2020), 37–40.
Yaycıoğlu, Ali. “Perdenin Arkasındakiler: Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Sarraflar ve Finans Ağları Üzerine bir Deneme,” [Behind the Curtain: An Essay on Sarrafs (Money Lenders) and Financial Networks in the Ottoman Empire], Festschrift in Honor of Özer Ergenç, Journal of Turkish Studies 52 (December, 2019): vol. II: 375–393.

Edited Volumes and Special Issues
Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association. Special issue: Ottoman History and Digital Humanities, guest editors: Nora Barakat, Yunus Uğur, and Ali Yaycıoğlu (Forthcoming, 2023).
Workshop Organizations
Mapping Ottoman Epirus, Preliminary Findings Workshop. The Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis, Stanford University, 10 April 2019.
Invited Talks
Yaycıoğlu, Ali. “Will Digital Humanites Transform History? Some Interpretations.” Digital Humanities Lecture Series, Sabanci University, Istanbul, 9 November 2022.
Yaycıoğlu, Ali. "Mapping Ottoman Epirus: Story and Trajectory Of A Digital History Project." Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, Princeton University, 29 April 2022. (click here for the announcement)
Yaycıoğlu, Ali. “Property of Orphans & Debts of Notables: Moral Economy of Expropriation in the Ottoman Empire (1750-1850),” Middle East and Islamic Studies, Rutgers University, 4 April 2022.
Yaycıoğlu, Ali. “Empire of Debt: Finance, Violence, and Accounting in the Ottoman Age of Crisis, 1770-1840,” Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University, 14 March 2022.
Yaycıoğlu, Ali. "Osmanlı Epir’ini Haritalandırmak." [Mapping Ottoman Epirus] Tarih Vakfı/Anamed Library Talks, 7 December 2021. (In Turkish) (click here for the video recording)
Yaycıoğlu, Ali. “Debt, Property and Violence: How was a Political-Financial Network eliminated in the Ottoman Age of Revolutions?” Institute of Historical Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 4 December 2020.
Yaycıoğlu, Ali. “Networks of Debt, Coalitions of Trust and Cycle of Crisis - The Ottoman Empire in the Long Eighteenth Century,” Ertegün Foundation Lecture, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University, 24 October 2018.
Yaycıoğlu, Ali. “Ottoman Empire in the Age of Revolutions,” European Encounters with Eighteenth-Century World Cultures, Kandersteg Seminar, organized by the Remarque Institute at New York University, Kandersteg, Switzerland, 18-22 April 2018.
Yaycıoğlu, Ali. “Probate Inventories and the Ottoman Order of Debt,” Freie Universität Berlin, 13 March 2018.
Yaycıoğlu, Ali, Antonis Hadjikyriacou. "Mapping Ottoman Greece: space, power, and empire." Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA) Seminar, Stanford University,18 April 2017. (click here for the video recording)

Conference and Workshop Presentations
Yaycıoğlu, Ali. “Reflections on GIS in Ottoman History.” Paper presented at Digital Humanities and Ottoman Studies Workshop: State of the art, challenges, perspectives and prospective research, University of Vienna, July 7-9, 2022. (click here for the workshop program)
Hadjikyriacou, Antonis. “Critical Data Management and Big Data.” Paper presented at Digital Humanities and Ottoman Studies Workshop: State of the art, challenges, perspectives and prospective research, University of Vienna, July 7-9, 2022. (click here for the workshop program)
Öncel, Fatma. “Visualizing Confiscation Records of Early-Nineteenth Century Ottoman Greece.” Paper presented at Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes Et Ottomanes (CIEPO) 24, 21-25 June 2022. (click here for the symposium program)
Öncel, Fatma. “Osmanlı Dönemi Yunanistanı'nı Haritalandırmak: Kurumlar ve İlişkiler.” Paper presented at Kadın Kadına Tarih Konferansı II, İstanbul Bilgi University, December 17, 2021. (click here for the conference program)
Yaycıoğlu, Ali, Antonis Hadjikyriacou, Fatma Öncel, Erik Steiner, and Petros Kastrinakis. “Mapping Ottoman Epirus: Region, Power and Empire.” Lecture presented at the Digital Humanities and Ottoman Studies Online Lecture Series, University of Hamburg and University of Vienna, November 26, 2020. (click here for the video recording)
Yaycioğlu, Ali. "Inventories of Death: Politics of Post-Mortem Documentality in the Ottoman Empire." Paper presented at the Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, November 15-17, 2019. (click here for the conference program)
Hadjikyriacou, Antonis. "Working Towards an Ottoman Gazetteer." Paper presented at the Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, November 15-17, 2019. (click here for the conference program)
Yaycıoğlu, Ali, Antonis Hadjikyriacou, “Mapping Ottoman Epirus: Space, Power, and Empire,” Linked Pasts III: Old Voices, New Places, Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis, Stanford University 4-6 December 2017.
Yaycıoğlu, Ali. “When Owners Die: Objects, Death and Afterlife,” Stanford Primary Source Symposium 2017: Movement of Objects and Textual Mobilities, 4 November 2017.
Yaycıoğlu, Ali. “Ottoman State-society in the 18th Century,” workshop Transformation of Ottoman Society during the Eighteenth Century,” Toyo Bunko (The Oriental Library), Tokyo, 9 July 2017.
Yaycıoğlu, Ali. “Order of Liability: Power, Wealth and Death in the Ottoman Empire,” workshop on Globalisation and the Transition to Modernity in the Middle East and South Asia, 1600-1914, London School of Economics and University College London, London, 19-20 June 2017.
Poster Presentations
Yaycioglu, Ali, Antonis Hadjikyriacou, Öncel, Fatma, Erik Steiner. "Mapping Ottoman Epirus: Region, Power and Empire." Poster presented at the Digital Humanities and Ottoman Studies Workshop: State of the art, challenges, perspectives and prospective research, July 7-9, 2022, University of Vienna. (click here for the poster)
Öncel, Fatma, Ali Yaycioglu, Antonis Hadjikyrciacou, Erik Steiner. "Mapping Ottoman Epirus: Order of Debt." Poster presented at the Digital Humanities and Ottoman Studies Workshop: State of the art, challenges, perspectives and prospective research, July 7-9, 2022, University of Vienna. (click here for the poster)

"Interview with Antonis Hadjikyriacou on the Ottoman period, the Greek Revolution of 1821, and new paths in Greek historiography." Greek News Agenda, March 12, 2020. (click here for the interview)