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Visualizing Ali Pasha Order: Relations, Networks and Scales

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The Ali Pasha Order in Epirus, created through intricate political, economic and patronage connections among a number of active parties, is the key focus of the MapOE.

One of the innovative aspects of the MapOE project is its ability to examine these relationships through exploratory data analysis tools employing traditional and network visualization methods.

These diverse relations often were manifested in different document sets. For visualization of the Ali Pasha Order, we examine various documents from the Ali Pasha's regional archive (letter exchanges, memoranda, collective declarations, debt and sale contacts) and from the Ottoman Imperial Archives (imperial decrees, letters between Ali Pasha and other imperial grandees, reports about the affairs of Ali Pasha and political developments in the region, and various fiscal documents concerning tax collection process and financial relations during or after Ali Pasha's rule).

From these materials, we anticipate generating a variety of synoptic and integrative visualizations to reveal how such a networked system can be understood across time and space. In doing so, we also intend to automate the identification of certain keywords in our documents, which represent certain aspects of relations. Our early efforts in this area have been elucidating.

Network Relations in Ali Pasha Order

Below, one can see various visualizations of the network structured around Ali Pasha and his sons, Veli and Muhtar, between the 1790s and 1822.

These graphics were created under the light of the letter exchanges between Ali Pasha, his sons and various associates of his regime. Some of these associates were local notables, ecclesiastical authorities and foreign diplomats in Epirus and neighboring regions; some others were Ali Pasha's men, who were constantly travelling in the regions under his control or influence; some others were his agents, such as financiers (sarraf) or representatives in the region or in Istanbul.

Illustration of Network Relations in Ali Pasha Archive


Primary and Secondary Categories of Key Entities in Ali Pasha Archive


Exchanges between Primary Entities in Ali Pasha Archive


Exchanges between Functionaries, Associates, and Ali Pasha's Household

Financial Transactions 

Transaction types in Ali Pasha Order (Source: Database compiled from the documents within the Ali Pasha Archives.


Tax-based relations in Ali Pasha Order. Color shows the tax type, size shows the number of records (Source: Database compiled from the documents within the Ali Pasha Archives).
Debt relations in Ali Pasha Order. Size shows the number of records (Source: Database compiled from the documents within the Ali Pasha Archives).